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Sudden Heavy Tingling Legs?

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    Sudden Heavy Tingling Legs?

    My MS has been really stable for so many years, I've been blessed. I still have the issues with heat and fatigue but no relapses so to speak.

    Starting yesterday all of a sudden both legs are feeling heavy, painful (in the thighs) and kind of buzzing. I've never had any spinal lesions (although its been years since an MRI) or any issues with my legs before so I have no clue if this is likely my MS or something else. It's pretty constant and doesn't matter if I'm at rest or walking.

    Any thoughts?


    Hi mexigrl:
    Congratulations on not having a relapse for many years. BUT... any onset of new, or worsening of existing, neurological symptoms that lasts longer than 24 hours can be considered to be an exacerbation. That's worth consulting your neurologist about. And if it isn't an MS exacerbation, all the more reason to consult your neuro. You don't have to do that, but then you have to be willing to live with the consequences...


      This is how mine started last year. I have no diagnosis yet, but those heavy legs and extra work getting around scared the bejeebers out of me. It lingered for a good two months off and on. It felt like I was walking through knee deep water with 20 pound weights strapped above each knee. Two days later, add a pair of stiletto heels and few cocktails.
      I do not have MS. I have Whatchamacallit; and all of the symptoms are mirages.


        It's safe to say two plus two is four. You've got MS, you've got new symptoms, that equals a flare. (Which I'm guessing you already know.) I do agree with Redwings, though - if it's not MS, it's something neurological.
        It's a bugger, but by the sounds of it, you're doing pretty well.

