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Hi Newbie Here...

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    Hi Newbie Here...

    I have been lurking for awhile and you all seem very nice. So I thought I'd pop in.

    Well I don't have the official DX yet. As a result of my recent MRI Report. I have 8 Lesions in my brain. Some in the Juxtacortical and Periventricular deep white matter. And Some small synovial cysts in my spine. (aren't those the same as lesions?) I'm a 35 yr old mother of 3.

    I'll start off with in Nov of 2008 , I had a seizure out of nowhere. Then the migraines started...gradually weak legs and hand tremors from time to time came into play.

    On May 9th 2011 all of a sudden my legs went completely numb. Very hard to walk, no strength in them at all. Leg cramping and pain for days. Along with a host of other Neuro stuff. I'm still not back to normal yet.

    I would like an opinion please from the people who live with this daily. If someone would help me out , I would really appreciate it. Does this sound like MS to you ?

    Thanks for any imput or advise you can give me.

    I'm no expert, but want to reply anyway

    I'm a newbie at this dx too, but to me it sounds like it could be ms but it could be something else too. Have you had other tests, like EEG with Visually Evoked Potentials? Have you had a spinal tap?


      Nice to meet you!

      Hi Kris-in-MI. Nice to meet but sorry to meet you...know one wants to be here

      What tests have you had done exactly? MRI of what? Spinal Tap? If so did you have bands? And have you started to regain any of your legs back? Do you see a Neuro or reg PCP?

      I ask these questions cuz in order to say MS most Neuros will do many tests. It sucks but its the way it goes...

      I hope you find some answers soon and I hope you start to feel better soon!!!


      p.s. I'm 32 with 4 kids...there are a lot of parents on here and a chat on thursday nights...check it out! we understand each other and can help.

      unless you want a babysitter...then we run away
      DX 10/10, JCV postitive by a lot (said Nuero lol), Betaerson, Gilenya, Tecifidera, Aubagio now on Ocerevus


        Seemingly, MS is a mimicer of many diseases so to be DX'd with it you are bombarded with test.

        You're more than welcome to hang around with us, though and learn about what others are going through so you can see if it sounds like you.
        What if trials of this life
        Are Your mercies in disguise?
        "Blessings; Laura Story"


          Hi Kris:
          I have a couple of thoughts.
          Originally posted by Kris-In-MI View Post
          And Some small synovial cysts in my spine. (aren't those the same as lesions?)
          First, "lesion" is a generic term for "something that's not supposed to be there." A pimple on your nose is a lesion. A cancerous tumor is a lesion. An area of central nervous system demyelination is a lesion. A spinal synovial cyst is a lesion. They're all very different things. "Lesion" does not mean MS.

          Second, the National Multiple Sclerosis Society has information about how MS is diagnosed: You can also google the McDonald diagnostic criteria for MS and see if you meet them. There are several conditions that can cause neurological symptoms and brain lesions. MS, neuromyelitis optica, Lyme disease, vitamin B12 deficiency migraine and lupus are only some of them. There are many tests that can and should be done in the workup of MS and other neurological symptoms, and you didn't mention anything but MRI. If your neurologist hasn't been able to diagnose you, it could be time for another opinion from a different neurologist.

          If both of your legs went numb last month, along with difficulty walking, that's suggestive of partial transverse myelitis and an indication for a new spinal MRI. Did you consult your neurologist upon the onset of new symptoms? What did your neuro say? If your neuro didn't follow up on the new symptoms, it's probably time for a second opinion from a different neurologist.

          Sometimes there are no easy answers, and finding answers depends on your diligence in making your doctors properly investigate.


            Thanks for the responses !

            Well so far all I've had is an MRI of My Brain and Spine. I go this Thursday for my emg for my legs (not looking forward to that) then my return appt. is on Next Friday with my Neuro.

            I'm just a little anxious and nervous about what he has to say. Between the lesions , all over muscle pain , numbness , eye pain, tremmors and so on ( and on and on....) I'm just a little freaked... I have a very active family that wants to plan a trip to Cedar Pointe and I don't think I can walk it !!!!! As of right now my legs just won't hold up to it. I just don't know what to do now and am a little lost.

            Sorry for the vent....but I'm sure you guys understand how I feel....

