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Alabama heat is commiting a crime! Need help finding a cooling vest- STAT!!!

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    Alabama heat is commiting a crime! Need help finding a cooling vest- STAT!!!

    I already have one that uses frozen vegetable oil. It looks like popsicles. It uses 4 or 8 of them. It doesn't work well plus I look like I have a bomb attached to me under my clothes! I want to get one that is inconspicuous and has a cooling system that has continuous flowing cold water. Anyone know of a cooling vest like this or just one that is just top notch, works VERY well, and is inconspicuous under clothes or works well on top of my clothes? This Alabama heat feels like it is frying my brain but it is definitely
    making my MS sx worse when I get hot! Thanks.

    The inconspicuous part I'm not sure about, but another member recommended checking this one out:


      brylane home

      good luck. I do not know how people live in such hot places! whew
      You are in the driver's seat, but God is holding the map


        Contact the National MS Society. The can tell you where to get the cooling vests. I know they give them to folks w/ MS
        So look them up on line & call.
        I live in Tn. & we've been several dats of 100 allready.
        Keep Cool! God Bless Nona Judy


          MS Association of America cooling equipment and Polar Soft Ice

          Here's a couple URLs for you.
          The MS Association of America provides free cooling equipment

          and Polar Soft Ice has some nice equipment they sell at a reasonable price.

          You need to keep yourself cool. I am sorry you are dealing with that weather. I will not be outside until this winter when it's 20degrees outside. Then I will sit in the garage with door open for a few hours each day.


            Bizzylizzy, I'd suggest you read over the MS cooling vest buyer's guide I've prepared for, the nonprofit website I run to help folks with MS stay active. Here's the direct link you can paste into your browser:


            I also have arranged for an array of discounts from a number of cooling companies (including Polar mentioned above). These coupon codes have been reserved for ActiveMSers and I often include them in our e-newsletter. At the request of the manufacturers, I do not publish these codes on the website.

            Stay cool!

            Dave Bexfield


              Hi Sweetie,

              I am in Bama too and I totally understand. It is horrid here! I mean the heat.

              I wear the unibomber vest type and just let people think what they will. My brother in law suggested I put fly's on it so I look like I have been out fishing all day. LOL

              I have heard of the type that evaporate but guess in this heat, they will just feel hotter.

              If you find something good, let me know.


                The Evaporative Vests won't work very well in high humidity. The Freezer Pack ones are best then.
                Scuba, true meaning of Life! USS Wilkes Barre 91, USS Monitor 96, 97, 99 .. Andrea Doria 96, 98 .. San Francisco Maru 09

