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Pushing the Doc

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    Pushing the Doc

    I know I have been pretty silent here for about a month. Between the finals for my college work and feeling better I have been pretty busy.

    Unfortunately the doc appt on the 18th with my pcp, who has been handling everything, ended up being just a rx refill appt. I asked the doc what he thuaght could be cuasing what I have been experiencing he said "I don't know, I have run the basic test (EMG and Arterial Doppler exams) that showed nothing." He thinks the 4 rotten teeth I have could be cuasing my problems. I feel that he is not looking at the whole picture, but just the weak, burning, and cramping of the legs only.

    I have not mentioned what me and others, even some medical professionals I know personally are worried about ms. I didn't want to influnence his thought process with my own fears. But, now that he seems to not be taking any steps further in testing I am stuck at deciding on how to handle the situation.

    Not sure if I just explaine to the Doc my fears at my next appt in July, make another appt before then to explain my fear, or make an appt with a neurologist on my own. I am on medicade called ahcccs here in Arizona, so I might not be able to make an appt with a neurologist myself with out a referal from my pcp.

    If I don't push the doc then I just wait till after I can afford to have my teeth pulled or I have another flare up to bring up my problems again. CUrrently the gabapentine has minimized most of the burning problems which subsiquentialy has also lessened the cramping. This last flare lasted from early Jan till mid April. I have residial effects left over, but as long as the medicine helps the burning and I don't stay in the sun too long life is (lol) good.

    Any thuaghts or experiences you would like to share would be greatly appreciated.

    your call

    It is your body. Your the best one to say wether you want to push or not.

    Having three rotton teeth does play a significant role in your health.

    Usally Medicaide takes care of that, have you checked into it.

    In my opinion I would try to make an appointment with a Neurologist. Having numb burning feet is not common that I know of from having rotten teeth.
    God Bless and have a good day, Mary


      You need to take an active role in your health care. If you think it might be MS discuss it with your doctor. Listen to what he has to say. Then decide what is the course of treatment that you will pursue. You have to be your own best advocate for health care if you not agree with your doctor then find a new one. No one is going to care more than you. Good luck.
      "Dogs are not our whole life but they make our lives whole."


        The normal EMG rules out peripheral neuropathy or nerve pinch or other injury and points to the problem being the central nervous system. Good enough reason for a referral from your doc to a neuro, IMO. My normal EMG was part of the reason I got referred to a neurologist.

        Do you really have to have your teeth pulled? Just wondering if there isn't another option to restore them. Maybe it's too expensive?

