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Health Insurance

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    Health Insurance

    Has anyone been denied Health Insurance because of being diagnosed with MS? This applies to buying Individual insurance only, not group insurance. Thanks

    Just wondering...


    Have you been denied?
    If it a major health insurance agency?
    ~life has ups and downs...I try to go in circles~
    dx'd rrms in '97


      I just recently applied and it has gone to underwriting for review. I'm wondering if I will get denied. I hope not


        I was rejected by three large companies before I even got a diagnosis. All it took was a few episodes of optic neuritis to make me too high risk to meet the underwriting guidelines. A diagnosis isn't required -- all it takes is the hint of an illness or chronic condition to classify someone as high risk. The only way I got health insurance was by being accepted into my state's high-risk insurance pool.

        This happened in the mid-90s. The recent health reform act will likely change the guidelines for acceptance/rejection for health insurance, such as forbidding exclusions for pre-existing conditions. However, just because a company accepts a person for an individual policy, it doesn't mean that the policy is going to be affordable. In my area, single-person coverage for an individual policy can cost $700 per month.


          im not to sure if this is available where you live, but try searching for health insurance pool. i live in mo and got approved with it. it is throw anthem bc bs. medical sucks but drugs pays good after deductable
          Dx: 09/2004
          09/2011- oooppppssss still have it.



            I was approved, but they said there will be changes. I'm assuming my rate will go up. I applied for Blue Cross/Blue Shield.

            I found out that in Maryland there is a state based program called MHIP that is for people who have been denied health insurance OR have a qualifying disease/disorder. MS is on the list. It is a program run by Blue Cross/Blue Shield as well.

            I will weigh both options. The state program may be a little cheaper than purchasing it as an individual policy.

            I am not working right now and therefore can't take advantage of a group insurance plan

            But I am thankful to have options!!


              I was denied by several insurance companies. I think it was three but don't remember for sure. The last one told me my only option would be a "high risk" pool. It was three times as expensive as the one DH got. He is the "healthy" one.

              This is one of the main reasons I decided to apply for SSDI. I couldn't get a full time job with my symptoms and so no group insurance was available to me.


                I switched from one insurance company to another, before my diagnosis but after two MRIs showed lesions. There was no trouble switching, but as I say, at the time I switched, I was covered by insurance.

                I was denied around that time for *disability* insurance (I am not currently disabled).
                RRMS dx 2/2010, Copaxone since 4/2010


                  I had the same problem because when i moved over from florida to tn, they told me i had to wait a year before i can be eligible for state benefits or the risk pool, i recently got approved for a policy by health-insurance-buyer dot com, but the doctor had to fax over a lot of paperwork, hopefully in 2014 things will change.


                    I have health insurance through my job, but I was denied for life insurance by multiple companies. They lump MS in with things like cancer and heart failure, despite the fact that they have completely different impacts on life expectancy.


                      I was denied life ins too and that was only when I had asthma and allergies with pneumonia 17x and now w/ ms absolute no go unless I find one that will want me to pay thru' the nose an amt no one like me could ever pay.

