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Flare? OK Maybe I'm dense...

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    Flare? OK Maybe I'm dense...

    I've been very lucky with my MS: it's been fairly stable with only a few real, large flares, the last one being in 2007-2008. Now, I'm beginning to wonder if I'm starting another. I use a wheelchair because of a dislocated right hip. I can still walk on it some with a walker and, until very recently, stand with no problems. (Except for some grinding noises from the hip. I'm looking into having it replaced, but that's another story.)

    About 2 1/2 weeks ago, I started having problems standing and walking. Standing and transferring from my recliner to my chair my legs feel quivery and weak when I'm moving them such tha they brush up against each othher. Walking, they feel quivery. The worst problem is getting off the toilet. I have to lock my knees and they won't stay locked and my balakne is precarious. Pulling up my Depends and slacks is a real chore and I end up sitting down abruptly several times. I'm terrified I'm going to fall.

    This is all new. does it sound like the start of a flare to you more experienced people? I just had an appointment with my neuro, and this was all so new it didn't occur to me to mention it to her. But I'll call up and go back if you think it would be a good idea.

    Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes, it is the quiet voice at the end of the day that says, "I will try again tomorrow."

    Sound like the start of a flare to me and it sounds like something your doc would want you to call about. i was told call if it affects daily function or if a symptom med can help. this is effecting your daily functions. she can't be responsible to call you every day to ask if your ok, she relies on you to let her know when things aren't ok. that's you responsibility. yes, you should call.

