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    After having pain in the abdomen and spasms there too, I have finally received the diagnosis of gastroparesis. It can be brought on by autoimmune problems. Hello, MS here. I have no high glucose counts, no diabetes which are the most common reason for this. I just have one stinking thing after another related to autoimmune problems.

    Does anyone here have this problem and how are you coping? What meds are you on? My gastro wants me to take Reglan before each meal but I am leery about this because of Tardive Diskinesia. I am about to develop a soft food/liquid diet to deal with this.

    Please, if anyone has this problem please give me some input.
    "...the joy of the Lord is your (my) strength." Nehemiah 8:10

    Sorry for what you are going through..What are you symptoms if you dont mind my asking?

    I am getting a EDG and another colonoscopy to see if I have a malabsorbtion issue..maybe brought on by MS.

    I do NOT get cramps, pain but have frequent bouts of diarrhea. Tried to figure out if its certain foods..having a major work up.

    Hope you get well my friend~

    Warmly, Jan
    I believe in miracles~!
    2004 Benign MS 2008 NOT MS
    Finally DX: RR MS 02.24.10



      I have been having pain and spasms in my abdomen that felt like a baby was moving around inside of me. They say that nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and the sxs I have are common with this problem and if you have a malabsorption with it, which is pretty common, you will start to lose weight. They have meds they try but really no cure. It can also affect the whole digestive process because the paralysis can be all the way to and including the colon.

      I wish you well in your procedures and that they find what is your problem.

      Stupid M.S. !!!
      "...the joy of the Lord is your (my) strength." Nehemiah 8:10


        I had the same problem the other night. It started out as spasms in my stomach on the right side, and felt the a baby was in there kicking to get out.
        Along with it I had skipped heart beats along with spasms in my throat, it felt like it was all connected to the same thing and it was a domino effect.
        I looked it up and its actually the Vagus Nerve, which runs from your brain stem, down both sides of your throat, connects to the heart and ends at your stomach.
        I havent seen a dr about it, though I rang my cardiologist and explained what happened and they told me it was stress.
        I know it wasnt stress though, it just felt too odd.
        When I researched it lead to the vagus nerve.

        You may want to look that up.



          I know about the Vagus nerve. They said that it is damaged most likely from sclerosing that is affecting my heart, liver, intestines, pancreas, and now stomach. I don't drink, do heavy drugs, or have hepatitis. They say that sclerosing can come from autoimmune diseases. Hello, MS. There is not a whole lot that can be done to help this on a permanent basis. I am probably going to a pureed and liquid diet. This seems to help for a while.

          Thanks for the input. I hope you figure your problems out.
          BTW, I too have the flutters, skipping, racing and just about anything else you want the heart to do that is bad.

          I keep going back to MS even though these are all smooth muscles, heart, pancreas, stomach, etc...They can be affected by MS too just not as common.

          "...the joy of the Lord is your (my) strength." Nehemiah 8:10



            My symptoms are severe bloating (people ask me if I'm pregnant!), the feeling that my stomach is full even though I don't eat very much, and a lot of abdominal discomfort. I mentioned these symptoms to my GYN as I was about to leave her office, and she said it sounds like I could have gastroparesis. She said I should be talking with my GP about this. I've been googling it like crazy trying to get some answers.


              Originally posted by cocogirl View Post
              After having pain in the abdomen and spasms there too, I have finally received the diagnosis of gastroparesis. It can be brought on by autoimmune problems. Hello, MS here. I have no high glucose counts, no diabetes which are the most common reason for this. I just have one stinking thing after another related to autoimmune problems.

              Does anyone here have this problem and how are you coping? What meds are you on? My gastro wants me to take Reglan before each meal but I am leery about this because of Tardive Diskinesia. I am about to develop a soft food/liquid diet to deal with this.

              Please, if anyone has this problem please give me some input.
              It could be gastroparesis caused by MS...but it could be something else. Here's a good presentation by Dr. Stephen Wangen on other causes of slow stomach emptying.


              Eliminating gluten from your diet might...I say might...solve the problem. Worth a try?

              I can tell you that I've had symptoms of gastroparesis off and on for a long time, and going off gluten seems to have done the trick for me.



                I went to a renowned gastro who teaches at Methodist Hospital in Houston. I had the gastric emptying test which consist of eating a scrambled egg that has radioactive dye in it. They watched my stomach not work for 90 minutes. a normal reading is between 75 and 90. My reading was 451.

                My drs. already had tested for gluten problems.

                This, gastroparesis, is my problem not gluten problems but I agree that someone having bloating problems should be checked out for various conditions that it could be. Ovarian cancer makes you look pregnant and have constipation but no pain in the middle stages. You don't want to overlook non gastric reasons too.
                "...the joy of the Lord is your (my) strength." Nehemiah 8:10


                  It does sound like you've been thoroughly checked out, cocogirl.

                  I do want to point out, however, for anyone else who might be reading this thread, that gastroparesis is a symptom of an underlying disease process, and not a disease in and of itself.

                  MS lesions affecting the vagus nerve are definitely a possibile cause, and it sounds like that's what you've got...for which I'm very sorry.

                  Gluten intolerance doesn't just cause bloating; it can cause actual gastroparesis, slow emptying of the stomach, which can be extreme. The gastroparesis could be confirmed by the same test you had done, but the cause would be different.

                  Just wanted to clear that up.


                    i have had problems with esophageal dysmotility syndrome and gastroparesis, for about 10 yrs - there is debate as to wheter it is due to the MS or "just one of those things"- ultimatley it does not matter much what the underlying cause is- medications have not helpted much at all and my diet has become more and more resitrictive- i have ended up with aspiration pneumonia on more than one 0ccassion! i can manage most vitamised foods these days but still have occasional problems when its worse- last time i had an aspiration pneumonis they started talking about tube feeds but i do not want to go down that path yet


                      Originally posted by kebsa View Post
                      i have had problems with esophageal dysmotility syndrome and gastroparesis, for about 10 yrs - there is debate as to wheter it is due to the MS or "just one of those things"- ultimatley it does not matter much what the underlying cause is- medications have not helpted much at all and my diet has become more and more resitrictive- i have ended up with aspiration pneumonia on more than one 0ccassion! i can manage most vitamised foods these days but still have occasional problems when its worse- last time i had an aspiration pneumonis they started talking about tube feeds but i do not want to go down that path yet
                      Translation for Americans: "vitamised" = blended.

