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Sensory Symptoms Only

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    Sensory Symptoms Only

    I promise I won't bother after this, but was wondering if anyone has sensory symptoms ONLY. In my case, the burning. I know for a FACT that it's anxiety related, but not sure if it's anxiety based or due to an underlying issue, such as MS.

    I had a brain MRI in 2002, c-spine 2003, brain in 2004 (open MRI), brain in 2005 (3.0 Tesla machine) - all had clear findings. The 3.0 MRI was ordered from an MS specialist who I took myself to for peace of mind at that time. He assured me no MS.

    My symptoms now are the exact symptoms I had all these past years. Nothing new. Burning and achiness. My face feels INFLAMED, but I think it's because my mind is on overdrive.

    Just looking for some peace of mind at this point. I know y'all are not doctors. I am currently w/o insurance or I'd have gone to the dr. by now. But I'm working on that.

    Should MS be a concern?

    I think there are so many other causes of sensory sx that are out there. I have only sensory sx, along with some cognitive dysfunction & occ fatigue, but I do have lesions on my brain MRI. I don't have a firm dx yet, but doing follow ups.

    I think you should have blood tests to rule out the other causes of sensory problems before jumping to the MS conclusion. Best wishes to you!
    "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference" Reinhold Niebuhr



      I do agree. Do you have burning all over?

      The only other thing I get is my arms, usually my upper arms, will feel as if I've been punched. I have not been sleeping much either and I'm sure this is adding fuel to the fire.


        Not to worry about posting your concerns. There are many, many great people here who are very sweet and want to help.

        If you're in doubt have the tests run again or at least see a neuro. Sometimes it takes awhile for Dr. to be able to see lesions. But, I agree too that your problems can be from many things.
        What if trials of this life
        Are Your mercies in disguise?
        "Blessings; Laura Story"

