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The "End of MY World" Anniversary

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    The "End of MY World" Anniversary

    Well, it appears that the prediction of the end of the world that all the rage in the news was faulty (surprise!!)

    But, today is the 10th anniversary of the attack that ended life as I knew it and resulted in an MS diagnosis.

    May 21, 2001, I felt half of my body go numb as I stood in my driveway talking with a friend. It took 18 months to finally get a definite diagnosis to what I initially thought might be a stroke.

    Life has changed a great deal since that day, but I'm grateful to be doing as well as I am after this much time has passed. Still on my feet, but walking with one (or two) canes. Retired from farming and a terrific business that are beyond my physical capabilities. Life is good... but it isn't always easy!!!

    The world goes on, although life as I knew it ended 10 years ago today.

    Don't know why I decided to share that, but there it is.

    "He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose." ~James Elliot

    That CHARACTER who predicted end of our world today/yesterday, has a ZERO batting average. So far he has been WRONG every time. (nuttin new).

    He get a lot of publicity, the general public is GULLABLE in most things. People will believe pie-in-the-sky, before they will believe thruth, its human nature, mob mentality or almost everyone wants to be on a band wagon when it get going.

    Heck even doctors believe what THEY want, WHEN they want, no matter what we KNOW, (as little as it may be).

    In the navy, I was hospitalized for pneumonia, had been GOMER'd for over a week by sick bay doc. One day he gat MAD, my showing up seeking treatment, he saw me out in the passageway outside his door waiting for sick call. H did not wait, he came out and marched me personaly dow to Xray, sauing he was going to PROVE there was nothing wrong. Next thing he arranged an ambulance to take me to the horsepitsl. When I arrived there I was written up (hopsital doc) for criminal violation of UCMJ, failure to seek medical treatment. The hosp doc said there was no way I could not know I was THAT sick. I signed the form, but requested my previous 10 days sick bay records for my defense. Never heard another word about it afterwards tho.

    Back in winter of 79/80 fam doc refused to see me for followup. Just a sore throat he said, he had SICK patients that NEEDED him, so no time to bother with me. Boss at work (and everyone) KNEW something was wrong and sent to Co Doc. That doc gave me a clean bill of health and back to work in time for lunch. That evening, after jsut a few small sips of coke, my wife called an ambulance and was admitted to the hospital for DIABETES!.

    Back in the mid 80s, the VA sent me to the shrinks for complaining. They determined I was NOT NUTS, not even depressed, just "adamant" something else was wrong & not showing up on tests. Fast froward about 25years, the same VA at long last did a brain MRI and BINGO, clasic dawson's fingers, so more test confirmed MS, RRMS they said.

    I have been dealing with MS Sx at least back to when I was 13/14 and MS related diplopia since 1964! Go figure?

    Yes LIFE and the world goes on, all we can do is roll with the punches as best we can. I just wish my life had fewer (but some have it worse, so can I complain too much?)

    Gomer Dr. of, Been There, Done That

