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Life after diagnosis

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    Life after diagnosis

    I am now 3.5 years post dx and doing quite well. I have reduced my working week to 3 days and this is great for me. I now look back over those years and realise that MS dx does take a time to come to terms with and that doctors can only do so much to help you and what works for one may not work for you. I now have a much more positive look on life and since this have really come on mentally in leaps and bounds. Most of the time now I forget I even have MS. Do I have symptoms? yes I do, the whole of my body has lack of sensations especially my feet and face. My right eye plays up (this is usually my reminder about MS), my arms and hands are weak and other niggly bits and pieces. But I have learnt to live with them so well that they are now my new normal and I dont notice them unless something happens to remind me.

    So for all newbies there is life after MS it just takes time for acceptance.


    Thanks for the insight

    It's good to hear the positive side. I'm in limboland right now and won't know when or if I get a dx. I have similar tingling and numbess that travels all over my body-it changes day to day. I have actually started ignoring it because I have it daily. Hopefully I can be a positive as you in 3+ years. Hope you continue to grow and have a great attitude. Thanks for sharing.
    ~seeuinct (Connecticut)
    Dx the first time: 10/25/11
    Avonex 1/12-10/12
    Revaluation of Dx 10/12
    Rediagnosis 7/14


      what an awesome post! good for you!!!
      Jen Dx'd 5/11
      "Live each day as if it were your last"

