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hearing muffled

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    hearing muffled

    Today is another hot, sunny day & I've noticed my hearing gets muffled off & on. this has happened a few other times (other hot days) but seemed to resolve on its own. Does anyone else deal with this? Do you take a decongestant or anything? Shlould I be concerned that this can turn into something permanent?
    Thanks for any thoughts. I can hardly keep up with these symptoms

    I get this all the time. Sounds like cotton in that ear. Usually only happens to one side at a time & it comes & goes. I don't do anything for it because it has never lasted very long. If it ever happened for a long time, I would call & see what the dr said.
    "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference" Reinhold Niebuhr

