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I have the best employers in the world

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    I have the best employers in the world

    I decided right away that in MY situation that I was not going to keep any of this from my co-workers or employers. I work for an insurance agency with 12 employees and 3 owners. They also own 10 other agencies so they do have a lot on their plates.

    I've worked here for 11 years and have always said they are so awesome to work for. They understand that family comes first, always! They work with us in regards to medical appts, etc and always try to do nice things for us. When one of us hurts, they hurt too.

    Well, I told one of the owners about my MS on Wed. and he was very supportive. Then one of the other owners just came up to me this morning and wanted to know how I was feeling, said he was sorry to hear about it and that they would go as far as they could go with me. They will support me and be here for me thru it all. He also said he hopes I'm here for a very long time How nice is that?

    That is awesome! It is SO incredible to have employers that are so supportive! I'm happy for you!



      That's wonderful. You must be a special person as well as that type of loyalty goes two ways. It must be such a relief having that stress lifted from your shoulders.

      My boss couldn't even remember the name of my disease. someone told me that when I couldn't see her she'd "mimic" my walk. She wrote me up for being absent too much. I hadn't even went over my sick leave/vacation days either.
      What if trials of this life
      Are Your mercies in disguise?
      "Blessings; Laura Story"


        I to work for a company that has been great to work for. When I was diagnosed with MS and reveled it to the owner of the company he said anything that you need just let us know. Employers like that are not the norm but they are still out.
        "Dogs are not our whole life but they make our lives whole."


          I'd like to praise my employer too. When I was dx 10 years ago they allowed me to go to a part time status and have never complained when I had to miss a day or an hour.

          My co workers started a MS Walk Team for me and my boss matches the donations we collect every year!

          I've worked at the same place for 26 years now and we have seen many causes come and go. Right now the boss's wife is fighting breast cancer. This group of people pull together for every disaster that comes along. We are family.

          The only cure for insomnia is to get more sleep.


            I would like to say that I am extremely pleased with the treatment I have recieved from my employer as well. I work for a school board in NS.

            Since I was diagnosed I have been upfront with HR about my situation and they have done so much to help me, They have given me a voice amplification system which helps reduce my fatique when teaching. they have given me chair that raise up nice high so I can sit and conduct my band classes at the same. they have given a small photocopier/printer to keep my classroom so I don't have to go all the way to the other end of my large school to use the photocopier.

            They are also working on getting me a new teaching assignment for the upcoming school year. I am currently teaching grade P-8 general music and 6-9 instrumental music. I prepare about 20 lessons every week. (Most teachers would prepare 5-9 lessons a week and teach them three or four times.) It is literally sucking the life out of me. And despite all my efforts I am not teaching as well as I would like

            All I asked was to have a position that was either all band or all general music and they are working hard to help me. Just yesterday I went to a new school and talked to the Principal and Vice Principal. I am so excited that in the fall I will be teaching in a position that I will be able to efficient and effective.

            I am so hopeful for the future right now and it is largely because of the things that my employer has done to help and accomendate me. I wish that everyone had systems in place to help the way that my employer has helped.

