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    Burning skin sensations, mainly face and arm, started in 2002. Went through years, off and on, of testing. MRIs, EMGs, blood, neurologica exams, etc.

    Last MRI was in 2005. Negative negative. Saw an MS specialist. He said definitely not MS.

    I was in a VERY stressful marrige for 13 1/2 yrs and this started about 5 yrs before he left. The day he walked out, I've been GREAT ever since. That was almost 4 yrs ago. He got me REALLY upset on Mother's Day with a stunt he pulled and the next day, the burning and aching and fatigue started back. Of course, MS came to mind again.

    I know it HAS to be from stress, but I need some relief from my worrying. I have no problems w/ my arms, legs, vision, etc. This has been going on for almost 10 yrs (off and on). Basically burning sensations which get worse when I really worry about it and panic about it.

    Does this sound like something to worry myself about MS over? I'm sorry - I know many of you have much worse problems that I speak of, but this health anxiety is kicking my butt.

    Thanks for any input.

    Hi and welcome!

    Since your symptoms are only occurring when you're upset or stressed out, it's doubtful that they are caused by MS. But it wouldn't hurt to get another MRI, since it can take several years for lesions to start to show up.


    Joy is not the absence of suffering. It is the presence of God.
    Cut aspartame from my diet in 2012 and my symptoms have slowly disappeared. Interesting!
    Alpha Lipoic Acid (200 mg) + Acetyl L-carnitine (1,000 mg) = No more fatigue for me!


      A burning feeling

      I have panic disorder and when I'm upset and feel a panic attack coming on the first thing I note is a burning feeling coming up the back of my neck and then my brain starts feeling overheated and I suppose the rest of my body feels hot too. This may be due to the release of histamine when a person is upset. Just about everyone associates histamine with allergy when in contact with some allergin but it can involve emotions too. This may not be common but I have even sneezed repeatedly during a panic attack. It causes flushing and redness. It need not have anything to do with MS but I think MS adds stress to a person and people with MS are more likely to be effected emotionally. So, indirectly the answer might be yes. Just my personal experience.
      Show 'em who's got guts. Don't back down - Brian Wilson
      ******Surfer ED******



        Thank you for your responses and opinions. I know I'm pulling at straws here. I have been fine for almost 4 yrs and was convinced that all of my ailments in the past were from the stress from my marriage. Now that the symptoms (same exact ones) are back, I feel uneasy again.

        I have health anxiety when this strikes...and my mind usually goes to MS, for some reason.

        The anxiety is also disrupting my sleep. Amazing how it can take such a toll on a body and mind!


          Perhaps you subconsciencly feel/wonder if you have MS. When you're stressed it comes to the surface. Worth getting checked out if it would relieve you a little bit, IMHO.
          What if trials of this life
          Are Your mercies in disguise?
          "Blessings; Laura Story"

