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Solumedrol and flare

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    Solumedrol and flare

    Just saw my neuro and I've had a worsening of symptoms for the past week. Every symptoms I've ever had is acting up and more severe than ever.

    Neuro wants to check for UTI bladder inections first and then said if its not an infection we'll do MRI. I just had an MRI 3 months ago and it showed no change from a year ago. Can you be given steroids for an exacerbation without the MRI showing inflammation at the time? I know my insurance will not pay for another one so soon without a lot of red tape and maybe not at all.

    Questions is "Can I get steriods for this exacerbation without MRI?" Sure hope it is an infection and antibiotics will take care of it and they won't be necessary.

    You should be able to. I've only had one follow-up MRI, and it was because my eye doctor insisted on it. It sounds like it might be your neuro's preference.


      I didn't have an MRI and was treated with IV solumedrol. You might want to let the doctor try to get preapproval if he's really wanting you to have one.


        I've just completed a solumedrol run and i didn't have an mri. It might depend on your insurance.
        Melissa Goerke
        [I]DX 7/2/10, Copaxone then Avonex, started Ty 9/13/11, JCV+ ended Ty 9/13, started Gilenya 12/13 Blood Pressure skyrocketed, started Tecifdera 4/5/14 - fatigue beyond bearable and symptoms became worse. Rituximab 8/8/14.....waiting for the miracle. I WANT MY TYSABRI BACK!!!

