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irritability? anyone else.....??

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    irritability? anyone else.....??


    so yea i wanna rip my hair out today i don't know why i just highly irritable out of the blue. it's like pms X 10! for guys i am sure you get hor horrible pms can be.

    anyone who gets in my path this weekend well it's not good lol. thank goodness been alone most of the weekend.

    it's the little things that frustrate me. walking my dog is harder than it used to be, especially if my knees are hurting. anyone else have this symptom?

    or like last night i always reach over when laying in bed to open my window for air. guess what couldn't open it tried for ten min. before i finally caved and let my husband do it for me.

    it's those little things that you were once accustomed to doing w/o any effort that you can't anymore. i feel so bad for complaining i know there are those out there who are not capable of getting around. for that i am sorry.

    oh one more heat, humidity. forget it. used to be able to tolerate it if i got into ac afterwards. now, forget it i'm putting my ac in my room tonight. it's like there is no air!

    ok i'm done venting....... thanks for letting me. so anyone else so irritable they could scream??
    Jen Dx'd 5/11
    "Live each day as if it were your last"

    Extreme irritability that comes out of nowhere and is way disproportionate to the cause (or sometimes there's no cause at all) can be a symptom of MS.

    All we can do is apologize, explain, and try to have a sense of humor about it...and forgive ourselves as much as possible.

    I do meditate regularly, and that seems to cut down on my "episodes"...but it doesn't eliminate them entirely.



      I'm so sorry you're having one of those days! It is as if everyone and everything on the planet was put there just to be frustrating and annoying. I completely understand. I tend to spend A LOT of time apologizing for it, especially around my period, though it doesn't have to be hormone related.

      I'm with Sequoia...meditating is a life-saver (for my family). If I get calm and centered, I'm a much more pleseant person. I still have those days, though. If it is really out of control, I put myself in time-out and get some quiet. It seems to help, as well. ((Hugs!))
      Still in Limboland - started this journey 3/2010.


        it comes out of nowhere literally lol. i am a huge advocate of yoga and meditation yet this past 3 weeks i've fallen short on doing it. ahh gotta get back to it.

        edgy too because tmrw. i talk to neurologist about what the next step is, besides my neurotax test and evp or avp can't remember test.

        he'll give me his thoughts on what meds to use, all the lesions what they mean exactly hoping he'lll know lol.
        Jen Dx'd 5/11
        "Live each day as if it were your last"


          Oh yeah, Know just what you mean...

          Today I was in the kitchen trying to clean up some of Saturdays dishes, which were a mountain. My DH had to go take some old furniture to the dumps.
          It took me {{{3}}} hours, so frustrating to move like a snail and have to sit down and rest then start again. Can't stand being on my legs for any amount of time and they start to hurt, burn, tingle, feet get numb but feel like someone tied rubber bands around my ankles and toes. Sometimes it's just more than one person can endure. I ended up crying when he got home and taking out all frustrations on him. Sometimes I can't stand being with myself, LOL!
          But we really do need to give ourselves a break, we don't do it on purpose, and our friends and loved ones need to understand that. Ever have a well meaning person tell you that you should just face facts . . . that you can't do housework like you used to, so you just have to live in a more messy home? That's the one I cannot stand, I have tried to get used to it, and I have tried not to nag at my DH and children, but a dirty disorganized house just makes me crazy. I still haven't figured out how to deal with that one . . . I'm trying though. In the mean time (no pun intended) I do try relaxation, meditation techniques, I have several tai-chi and qi-gong exercise dvd's that help some too. The only thing with the exercise dvd's, yoga, tai-chi, qi-gong sometimes when I am flaring I can't even do those light movements without so much pain and spasticity. There is a place online that I have tried (youtube videos) that are called binaural tunes or rhythyms they help you to relax and put you in a meditative state, and they are free! Give them a try.
          Neshama (who hasn't posted in ages...) Good Night All


            Every day, little things that shouldn't bother me, agitate me highly. I have little patience any more.
            I try to be careful with my wife, but all others are fair game

            I also try to do things in the kitchen, but can only be on my feet so long. If I can't find what I need, I tend to throw stuff across the room.

            I think it is because I am so limited in what I can do at home now, and my wife has to do so much more, it makes me nuts.

            I run the whole house sweeper at home, but I have to do one floor, rest, then do the next. When I am finished, my legs are shot. My wife told me she would do it, but it has always been my job, and she does too much now, so I wont let her.

            I have just given in to the fact that I am the miserble old crippled guy now.


              were you mindreading? I CAN "FLIP OUT" AT ANY TIME FOR ANY REASON!!!!!!

              MS World
              PPMS DX 2001


