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Very odd things going on...

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    Very odd things going on...

    I had my first TY at the end of March.

    I went to my doc. at the end of April with some symptoms. Bad fatigue, spinning dizzy and my speech was SO bad. Problems with remembering everyday things like, the names of my kids!!

    So my doc talked with my neuro and they put me on Prednisone, starting at 16 pills and slowing going to 1 by the end of May.

    My problem now is much worse !

    I understand that prednisone can make you hyper, but my goodness, it was like I was high or drunk or something.

    I don't understand why I am also most of the time mad and angry for no reason. I am mean to people and yell at them...what that heck is going on?!?
    Is scares me

    Also I don't think these pills are helping at all.
    I'm still very dizzy, loosing my balance, speech is worse and am getting weak in my right arm.

    I'm loosing vision, I don't know how to explain. It's like I can see but moving objects are hard to see? Things are blurry and dim. I had double vision a year a go and this is different.

    I called my doc. this morning and waiting for a call.
    I hate taking things like this to the ER, they just look at you and don't believe a word you say.

    My gosh I venting a bit. Sorry.

    I'm just so scared, have no idea what is happening. I have RRMS.

    I would call the doctor and insist on an appointment ASAP. You're right, the ER probably wouldn't be much help. If calling doesn't help, maybe you should just show up at the office.

    A lot of emotions can go crazy in MS. Maybe a psychiatrist could help you. Mine helps me a lot
    As far as possible without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.



      My doc called and we went through everything.
      Its a side affect from the pills making my hyper, mean and crazy!

      We talked about taking me off it and starting solumedrol.
      He is calling my neuro in the morning.

      He is setting me up a special eye doctor (i forget what its called) for tomorrow or Thursday. And they should be able to tell me if they see a lesion or something.
      As for the other symptoms; just a crazy flare


        I just read thru this quickly, but low dose oral prednisone can certainly make you nutty, angry, feeling really off.

        High dose solumedrol is much easier to tolerate for many.
        I can't guarantee it will be for you, we are all different. I hope it does the trick for you! Sounds like your doc is being proactive. Do let us know how you are doing tomorrow!


          I call the steroids the "evil drugs"!! All kinds of personalities come out on these meds pills and IV solumedrol. Kinda feel like Sybil at times! For me they make me feel worse. I only use them when I ABSOLUTELY have to. Like just recently had to for double vision. Helped the vision but increased my other symptoms.

          I was on Ty for 6 months. Every infusion made me feel like I was run over like a truck. I hung in there for 6 months hoping things would get better but had to give it up. So document how you feel after your infusion. I know it's supposed to help with progression and not our symptoms, but as much as I tried, it just was too much.

          Hope you feel better soon! Every drug works different for everyone here. Good Luck


            Can you make an appointment with an MS clinic? Sometimes local MDs or local neuros have great intentions, but lack the special needs that an MS clinic can provide.

            I hope you feel better quickly.

