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Trying to be brave

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    Trying to be brave

    Everything at my job is so scary right now. I was pretty much told that I will not be able to keep my current position and that I will probably not be accommodated for anything and could be forced to demote. The topper to all of this is if I am demoted, there has to be a job available and there is no guarantee.

    This is how they treat people with 15 years on the job. I've contacted the MS society, and have been given some good contacts for my state.

    but Im scared because I could lose everything.
    I'm sorry if I have said all this before, I just needed to put it out there. I have no one, i'm single, no kids and trying to be brave but not doing a very good job.

    Thanks for listening everyone

    I am sorry. I also have been having issues at work. How do you not work and still pay the bills?? Just try to take it one day at a time.

    Best to you!




      MS World
      PPMS DX 2001



        Horrible situation

        Hi Fuzzy,

        You are in a terrible position, I offer my sympathies, I know how scary this is.

        I was laid off after 15 years when I was 60 years old and wish I hadn't tried to keep working as long as I did, there would be more money coming in every month if I'd gone on STD in August.

        Knowing what I know now, I would see my doctors today and ask them to immediately support your request for short term disability (STD), leading to long term disability insurance in six months. I would go on STD before I received formal notice. I would not go to work from here on out.

        Regardless of the details, keep copies of all emails, letters, forms, etc, and a diary of discussions you have with supervisors and HR. Send all documents via certified mail so you have proof of shipping. Keep the receipts. Buy a fax machine - you'll need it - you can find cheap ones on eBay and Amazon.

        Recognize that HR is not your friend, even if they are old friends.

        When I received notification of my lay off my employer offered me a severance package that has made the transition to SSDI relatively pain free. If you don't go on STD and are offered a package please contact me back channel for some suggestions.

        If your doctors won't support STD/LTD, I hope you are working for a company that is covered by ADA rules - google ADA company size, the first one that comes back should bring you to the EOC page.

        I think that if there are 15 or more employees you should be covered, I am not an expert, so I'm glad you've contacted the MS society.

        After 15 years employment you should be eligible for unemployment benefits in CA and subsidized COBRA for over a year if you don't get STD or LTD.

        I'd suggest that you ask your doctors to support your filing for STD and LTD and hope that you've been reporting all of the MS effects you have over the past few years. Fatigue, depression, vision problems, bladder & bowel issues, pain, spasticity, sleep problems, problems walking, falling, needing a scooter or wheel chair, tinitus, lesions, the list goes on and on.

        If your medical records show that you have some of these conditions and have had them for a while, it might help.

        Good luck,



          Thanks to all for your help! And suggestions!

          I only get 52 weeks of STD and my job does not get LTD.
          The MS society has been very helpful and gave me some good numbers for calif.

          I am actually in limbo on everything, but I will get through.
          I really need to work 5 more years, god willing.

          The STD office has actually been very helpful and so has my Neuro. I see her again this month and we will have a game plan.

          Its funny how life is and how mine has changed. I have only had MS for about a year, and sometimes I do think is all the stress really worth it, but then the fighter in me comes out and says "don't give up!"

          Again thanks to all for listening. I am keeping notes.


            Hey Fuzz,
            Sorry about all the work problems. I miss chatting with you. Tell me when you are going to be in chat again and I'll pm you my email. That way if you want I could keep up with you. Jade.


              Thanks JV! You are such a sweetie. I will try to be on chat tonight between 6pm-8pm pst hope thats not too late for you!

              Thanks for your support!


                How Long Can I Do This For??

                I quit a good sales job to take an all commission sales job 2years ago because of my health and having to miss work frequently. I worked for the same company for 8 years and they were not very forgiving when I got sick and was finally DX'd 3 years ago.

                I have been doing the 100% commission job for 3 LONG years now mostly for the freedom to make my own hours and the 10 year retirement opportunity.

                However, I am exhausted. I'm only 31 years, I have two little boys, and a husband. I find myself working 40-60 hrs a week on a great week and only 20-30 hours on a bad week. When I'm sick and not able to work, I make nothing sometimes. I wonder about SSD and think about how it seems like its made for me but, I would not be able support my kids financially the way I always expected to. I always thought I'd be a millionare one day and out of nowhere I'm scared that we can hardly even get what we need.

                Is it going to get better?? It's supposed to be RRMS, but I have had so many different issues everyday for about two months. I am so stressed emotionally, physically, and financially!

                Any encouraging words to get me to stop freaking out about my families' financial future???


                  My heart goes out to you. You do alot. I wish I had a magic wand and banish Ms for all!. I have realized that stress does not help at all or the anxiety. But we are human and the future is scarey enough but MS just makes it worse!

                  I always try to vent here, or in chat and my family is very helpful. I cant say its going to get better, but i am slowly learning to take each day as it comes.

                  Best wishes for you and hugs!



                    I understand, my own situation nearly mirror's yours. got let go from 15 year job. and cant find any -any employment one interview in one year.
                    I'm bitter about it and dont agree that the ada laws can do anything unless you have a lawyer and are willing to flush years of your life down the can just waiting to go to court.Than theres the money problem that one would need to support a law suit.


                      I understand

                      I too was on short term disablity for months hoping sensation to my feet would return enough to drive but it did not. My job included a company vehicle so I could no longer do the job. I applied for a desk job though it is seen as a demotion. I came in the same time my company was transitioning other employess from a division they were closing so I retained my pay.

                      My luck is running out though. I am on short term disabilty due to another flare. When I return I am on notice due to performance which my symtoms affect. I have nearly 20 years with the company and am bitter I am having such difficulty. Life is full of difficulty and MS just adds to it.


                        oh fuzzy wuzzy,
                        i know what a blow this can be to your ego, finances and everything. i'm praying for you.
                        like someone said, keep good records of EVERYTHING. jot down notes of anything said to you. ask to see your personal file. they can not write you up without your signature. they can't let you go without a long paper trail.
                        my school made up writeups on me about things i did wrong even on days that i wasn't there! no signature!
                        got ADA & EEOC which are federal organizations that everybody is accountable to.
                        it was grueling & very sad that the very people i loved working for me turned on me & lied about me after 10 yrs of service.
                        in the end, we settled out of court.
                        somebody's got to hold these companies accountable. we're not disposable just bcs we have a disability!
                        praying for the best for you.
                        hang in there! God bless!
                        "All things are possible for those who believe." Jesus

