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Sciatica and MS

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    Sciatica and MS

    I was recently told that my sciatic nerve in my right hip is causing some crazy pain in my hip/leg. Some days I can hardly walk because of it. I figure it's probably because of using a cane for several years, it caused me to not walk "right".

    I just saw my GP for this (ended up in the ER because of it and had to follow up with him) and he is the one that diagnosed me with this. He just told me to take ibuprofen for the pain, nothing else.

    Has anyone else had this along with the MS and what did you do for it? I have not talked to my MS Dr about this yet, I just don't know quite what to do, but I know I have to do something. Can't live like this! Thanks

    My suggestion would be to see a Physical Therapist (PT) for an evaluation and PT.

    I figure it's probably because of using a cane for several years, it caused me to not walk "right".
    That is very possible.

    A walker, forearm crutches, or trekking poles would probably be a better option.
    A PT can show you the proper way to use any of the above. If walking is still a problem then it's probably time for a wheelchair/powerchair. This would be a good subject to discuss with your Neurologist as well as with the Physical Therapist.
    Diagnosed 1984
    “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic


      Originally posted by kittymom00 View Post
      I was recently told that my sciatic nerve in my right hip is causing some crazy pain in my hip/leg. Some days I can hardly walk because of it. I figure it's probably because of using a cane for several years, it caused me to not walk "right".
      I can so relate and have had the same problem and pain for years, thinking that my gait was "off". I went to a PT and received some much needed exercises to help alleviate the problem. I also do yoga and stretching which helps immensely! My chiro has helped me too.

      I also was told at PT that my pain, related to my wonky gait, would diminish some if I used a walker rather than a cane. This has proven to be true.

      I still suffer from sciatica from time to time. I was told this condition was chronic from tightening of the piriformis muscle. This in turn irritates the sciatic nerve. But by using the above routes, it is mostly manageable.

      I hope you find some relief as I know how painful it can be!
      1st sx '89 Dx '99 w/RRMS - SP since 2010
      Administrator Message Boards/Moderator


        This book: Backache what exercises work by Dava Sobel is available on amazon for a penny. It has 4 levels of intervention depending on your current level of pain. It works- I started doing the pelvic tilts and about 2.5 weeks in noticed a significant difference. I now start the day with the tilts. You won´t regret buying this book.


          Originally posted by Seasha View Post
          I can so relate and have had the same problem and pain for years, thinking that my gait was "off". I went to a PT and received some much needed exercises to help alleviate the problem. I also do yoga and stretching which helps immensely! My chiro has helped me too.

          I also was told at PT that my pain, related to my wonky gait, would diminish some if I used a walker rather than a cane. This has proven to be true.

          I still suffer from sciatica from time to time. I was told this condition was chronic from tightening of the piriformis muscle. This in turn irritates the sciatic nerve. But by using the above routes, it is mostly manageable.

          I hope you find some relief as I know how painful it can be!
          Thanks Seasha. I do have a walker, it's not what most would consider a normal walker, it's a U StepII which is a bit bigger, my GP calls it my Cadillac - is too big to use around my house (which is an older house and very small), just not enough room to maneuver around. I also had some wicked spasms on the other side last week, more painful than childbirth I swear!

          I did talk to my GP, he also suggested about getting some xrays of my back to make sure nothing is going on there. It is so hard to walk, the walker does help but the distances I can go are greatly diminished. Guess I have to take this one step at a time.

          Thanks for the post!


            Originally posted by Temagami View Post
            This book: Backache what exercises work by Dava Sobel is available on amazon for a penny. It has 4 levels of intervention depending on your current level of pain. It works- I started doing the pelvic tilts and about 2.5 weeks in noticed a significant difference. I now start the day with the tilts. You won´t regret buying this book.

            Thank you, I will check that out.


              Get an MRI!

              I know we hate to get in the tube, but I was suffering with terrible sciatica for months before I had an MRI, only to find I had a cyst at my L5-S1 that was causing this pain. Once removed, everything was more manageable. I still get sciatica attacks sometimes, but nothing like it was. Good luck!
              diagnosed 10/25/11


                I have that crazy PITA (Pain in the A**)right hip thing. I have been dong yoga motrin, andbearing it. Recently had a MRI and nothing showed up, recently started Tysabri

                Dx 2004. Copaxone until 2006 became allergic. Avonex until 2010, then rebif until 2013. Then Aubaugio until 2017 now tysabri.


                  Originally posted by kittymom00 View Post

                  Has anyone else had this along with the MS and what did you do for it? I have not talked to my MS Dr about this yet, I just don't know quite what to do, but I know I have to do something. Can't live like this! Thanks
                  Meds: Lyrica, Neurontin, Elavil, or Cymbalta for nerve pain. Muscle relaxers and NSAIDS if necessary.

                  Shots: Epidural steroid injections, nerve block

                  Does heat or cold packs help?
                  Have you considered massage, acupuncture, chiropra


                    chiropractor, physical therapy? TENS unit, traction, etc, etc.

                    After all of the above failed me, and with clear nerve impingement on the MRI, I finally had L4, L5, S1 surgery on the right hand side. That too did not resolve the problem and I moved to a spinal cord stimulator (SCS). After years of struggling, the SCS has been the only treatment that truly minimized my pain.

                    I sure hope you can avoid surgery, but be prepared for a MRI and physical therapy or manipulation for a while.

                    I am sorry because sciatica sucks.

