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My Brain Works NOT

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  • Perennialz
    Originally posted by Karenkay View Post
    Lol!! Can I steal that?? That so describes how I feel when I'm overwrought with anxiety and depression. dr recently switched me to celebrex a month ago and I'm still hoping it works for me.

    It's one of the best descriptions to use ever with memory problems. lol
    I'm more than happy to share
    I hope your recent Rx change helps you as well Karenkay

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  • Karenkay
    Originally posted by Perennialz View Post

    If only my brain has Ctrl+alt+delete to stop the madness
    Lol!! Can I steal that?? That so describes how I feel when I'm overwrought with anxiety and depression. dr recently switched me to celebrex a month ago and I'm still hoping it works for me.

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  • Perennialz
    I used to have a hot temper before I got broadsided with MS. I used to always get angry or uptight over the dumbest things. I had a better memory then too.
    I noticed now not only I'm more mellow (except when I get anxiety out of the blue), I think my cats have a better memory than me lol.

    I get the regular feeling of I had been drinking a lot around the time my mind seems to veer off to no-man's land, and I quit drinking since last summer. Just recently my boss tells me a task I need to do , and not even finishing his sentence..... gone! If any kind of best description for it I would have to say my brain has officially pulled a blue screen.

    If only my brain has Ctrl+alt+delete to stop the madness

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  • Sissy
    I am so there! It's terrible, I start feeling so tired while doing any kind of reading that I start nodding off! I start dropping things. Can't remember what goes where or what I was doing. It seems like it takes me forever to do anything.

    I've had to put all of my bills on auto pay. Or I am always late. I do it through my bank. Then if I have anything left over I can buy gro and meds!

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  • Moldy Oldy
    Right There With You

    I won't bore you with details -- other than to say that I am RIGHT THERE WITH YOU !!! Two months before my 40th birthday, on the anniversary of my mother's passing/birthday (she died on her 67th birthday), I received a call from my PCP at the time on my drive home, to tell me the results of my MRI -- diagnosis was MS. I didn't have time to process the information/call since I was working my hinney off to prepare a corporate luncheon for approx. 200 people for the following day. The next morning, my day started early and by the time the second lunch seating was underway, I was on the floor in my cubicle and couldn't get up. I told HR I need to go to the hospital, got myself together, and drove to the ER.

    When I was finally able to get back to work, my employer now knowing my diagnosis, I was demoted for mistakes I didn't realize I had made prior to diagnosis, and other events that I believe were targeted to get me out of the company. I didn't even stay in my new position for a year before going on long-term disability.

    Now, my cognitive issues are much more difficult than the physical ones to deal with. I have overdrawn my checking account more times than I can count, my medical bills are past due along with my other personal bills. Most days, I can't find my way out of a paper bag. To make matters worse, I am constantly angry and lash out at my hubby & son. I don't know what the answers are, so I prefer to hide in my house and pretend the world and this disease don't exist. Not that I am having success with this either -- the pain is constant and the inability to get things done wears me down.

    Just know that I hear you, can relate to you, and wish you all the best on your journey.

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  • webbles 989898
    started a topic My Brain Works NOT

    My Brain Works NOT

    I work in an office where my job is to pay bills. Lot and lots of bills. I have noticed the last six months or so that I will be putting papers in order to file and think "OK all done. Time to file them" As I'm filing them I keep finding papers that are not in the right order. I mean how hard is it to put stuff in order. When I do write checks twice a months the totals are in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. I go over everything 2 or 3 times and there are a lot of double checks built into the job but I still find ways to screw it up. And don't even try to teach me something new. Even writing it down doesn't make it stick. I though about looking for a new job but I don't think I would be able to learn a new job. The only thing that helps now it that I have been doing this for 15 years and I can almost do it in my sleep. I think I will not be working for much longer. SAD