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more bladder questions

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    more bladder questions

    I posted about my bladder problems a few weeks ago but I'm trying to get some more answers.

    So currently I have 1 nonactive lesion and no diagnosis, but I've been experiencing some bladder leakage.

    It's usually a tiny amount but enough for me to notice. The last few days, especially in the mornings, I feel as if my bladder is contracting/having spasms. It's not painful and I don't think there's any leakage with the spasms. I'm just curious to know if anyone else has experienced anything similar.

    I had a urodynamic study done and these were some of the results. Does anyone know what they means?
    • pressure voiding study: the patient was able to generate a detrusor contraction with urethral relaxation
    • pelvic floor EMG readings: suggestive of dysnergia

    I'm just looking for advice on how to deal with these issues and to see if anyone else has experienced something similar.