My left leg started "shocking" me six years ago when my younger son was born and has steadily gotten worse since then. Started with just some random shocks here and there to it happens every single day, almost constantly. Also, weakness started shortly after those initial shocks 6 years ago.
At first I noticed that my foot started dragging slightly the more I walked to now I've been using a can for 3 years and I limp. Walking down stairs is a challenge, its like my leg doesn't know what to do and I've fallen a few times because my leg locks up or just messes up.
I have hip pain and lower back pain from the imbalance of my movements. I can no longer run or jog like i used to, which I loved. Now just walking around the house is a chore. Makes me sad.
I went on Gabapentin twice for the shocks and pain but it made me a complete zombie. So my neuro gave me Lyrica and thankfully that has silenced most of the shocks and pain. Theres still some but its a huge difference. Meanwhile, the weakness is getting worse. I feel like the decline in strength is moving faster all the time.
So if I'm RRMS, then why has my leg been on a steady decline for 6 years? I thought I was supposed to have some sort of bounce back...but nope. I saw my neuro in January and she said she is concerned about the weakness and she noticed the difference from the last visit a year a go. So she gave me the lyrica then and is sending me for PT and will see me in 6 months.
Needed to vent and see what all my fellow msers think. Thanks in advance. I feel like MS is good at making me feel alone.
At first I noticed that my foot started dragging slightly the more I walked to now I've been using a can for 3 years and I limp. Walking down stairs is a challenge, its like my leg doesn't know what to do and I've fallen a few times because my leg locks up or just messes up.
I have hip pain and lower back pain from the imbalance of my movements. I can no longer run or jog like i used to, which I loved. Now just walking around the house is a chore. Makes me sad.
I went on Gabapentin twice for the shocks and pain but it made me a complete zombie. So my neuro gave me Lyrica and thankfully that has silenced most of the shocks and pain. Theres still some but its a huge difference. Meanwhile, the weakness is getting worse. I feel like the decline in strength is moving faster all the time.
So if I'm RRMS, then why has my leg been on a steady decline for 6 years? I thought I was supposed to have some sort of bounce back...but nope. I saw my neuro in January and she said she is concerned about the weakness and she noticed the difference from the last visit a year a go. So she gave me the lyrica then and is sending me for PT and will see me in 6 months.
Needed to vent and see what all my fellow msers think. Thanks in advance. I feel like MS is good at making me feel alone.