Hi all,

I wanted to post this in the hopes of getting some clarity on the process I’m going through, or at least have someone relate to this!

in June of this year I had optic neuritis, it is much better now but still present. I went to see an ophthalmologist who diagnosed it as ON and sent me for an MRI a couple weeks later. After the MRI the doctors office called and said everything looked fine but I need to go back to see the eye doc in a couple weeks to follow up. When I went back to the eye doc I asked to make sure that everything on my MRI looked good, and he flipped through the pages and said “they found something, but usually people with MS have more than one of these things”.

So I was confused but didn’t think much of it. I left the doctor then decided to go back and request to see my MRI report. When I got the report it said “small non-specific focus of T2/flair signal intensity in right perricolosall region. This is intermediate in etology but a small focus of demyelinating disease is a consideration in the right clinical context”.

the MRI report also suggested a follow up MRI in 3 months. I requested from the eye doctor to be referred to a neurologist, and he said the neuro won’t see me until I have my next MRI.

The doctor hasn’t explained to me what any of this means and I’ve been using doctor google a lot, so I was wondering if anyone has any experience similar to this? Or if you know what will happen after my next MRI if there is no change on my scans? My next MRI is in a month from now.

Thank you for your advice and for listening to my rant!