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    My doctor makes me 2nd guess myself every time and it is driving me crazy! I mean come one.... I have been at this for six years!!!!!!!

    I have been feeling like crud for a good week, numb finger tips(middle fingers mostly) toes up to my knees now, unsteady gate, fatigue, pain, headaches.... I go into have my infusion of Tysabri yesterdAy and tell my infusion nurse (at a different office from my Neurologist) and she said she wants to put a call into him just to see if I should be infused..... He says to her "she always does this stuff" WHAT THE HECK DOES THAT MEAN ?!?!?
    You mean I always have flare ups ..... bad, what a jerk. So then I go back and think..... Do I have numb feet? Are my finger tips tingly? Is it all in my head? Do I always do this??????i mean come on I have been doing this for 6 years and I know my body. Trust me, I DO NOT WANT TO BE ON THE STEROIDS FOR THE FUN OF IT!

    Ok that was a vent, I think it might be time for a new doctor but man it is a lot of work changing doctors

    Hopefully I am the only one in his situation


    Hey Heidi

    some doctors are 'clueless' too..right, you're just looking for attention
    If you change Doctors, you should tell this guy why..he probably won't get it, but mybe he'll remember when handling another person...right it down now while it's fresh in your mind

    Take Care
    Susan......... Beta Babe since 1994....I did improve "What you see depends on where you're standing" from American Prayer by Dave Stewart

