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Now what?

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    Now what?

    I had an EEG and VEP today, returned to my neuro, he did nerve conduction studies (ouch) and went over results.

    The CD of my EEG didn't work on the neuro's computer. My VER was normal at 110 in both eyes. Nerves and muscles are fine. Lyme disease came back negative as well as anti ssa and ssb antibodies.

    My ferritin came back VERY low at 5, normal ranges from around 12-200 I guess. With previous labs my iron and hemoglobin are fine. My B12 is high. My vitamin D is low. My thyroid is borderline low. I've had normal head MRI and CT scans.

    My neuro seems to think the low ferritin could be an "incidental finding" so rather than just give me iron and send me on my way, he wants to still do an LP.

    I am really beginning to think it's all in my head!
    I'm a mother, a wife, a nurse, and a graduate student... I guess it COULD be stress!


    I'm sure it's not all in your head.. I've been in the process of getting diagnosed for almost two years now and have felt the same way at times.

    Keep it up though! You know yourself better than anyone else does! Anyone who says otherwise (including a doctor) is wrong. No one knows what you're feeling like you do!

    Sorry for your troubles. Good luck and best wishes to you!

