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What kinds of pain does MS cause?

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  • MyGirlsMom
    replied too!

    Hi all! I have pain in both of my legs everyday...some days are better than others. This started in the spring of 2010 and is still there. The best way for me to describe my pain is like I finished a long, hard mountain hike. I can easily walk, but if I walk more that 20-30 minutes, I will have some good pain in my legs for the remainder of the day. For me, this pain is my most difficult MS symptom. If this daily pain were to go away, I think I could better handle my MS.

    My doc prescribed doesn't completely take my pain away, but does significantly take the edge off. Plus, this med is generic and a prescription is quite inexpensive!

    I know that I have had MS for many years and many of those years were without pain. I continue to hope that someday, this pain will subside. (You all on MSW will be the first to know when it does!)

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  • hope32
    Shannon, I'm sorry you're in so much pain. I hope your GP is able to really understand your symptoms and the best way to treat them.

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  • 7426sme
    leg pain

    I am having severe pain in both of my legs. Once I get out of bed and start moving around and standing up it gets really bad. I am in tears by 5pm because it's hurting so bad. This started 3-4 days ago. I am not sure if this could be MS related. My legs ache so bad.
    I had a relapse and was admitted to the hospital on Sept. 22. I was treated with solumedrol. I was there for five days. I'm not sure if it could even be possible to have another relapse this soon. I have never had this pain before. It is on both sides. I'm scared. Could this be a relapse and will this pain go away? I have a doctor's appt with my general practitioner tomorrow. Sometimes I feel like I can't explain my symptoms and then the doctor just sends me home with naproxen. But this pain is different and unbearable.

    Any suggestions or similar stories???


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  • mtnwillow
    I get different types of pain. The alodynia as described in a previous post, I used to think of as shingles that never erupted as it is the same type pain. I get spasms in my feet, legs, hands and back. I also get burning in my feet. I occasionally get numbness or pins and needles but it goes away. The spasms and alodynia are the most painful. Oh yes we can throw in headaches and eye pain from ON also.

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  • Shiela
    I've had many different kinds of pain from the very beginning of my MS symptoms. Had something called Alodynia. It was extreme and covered every inch of the skin on my body. On a scale of 1-10 it was an 11. It hurt even if a sheet touched. Also had lumps (I think they were lymph nodes) that got all swollen and just hurt for a few weeks. Also had pains as if someone were inside my body and pinching my muscles from the inside and twisting. Also have had aches that go on for days that feel like I've over stretched a muscle. Have had a headache for 24 months. Also pain from my butt to my toes that feel like my skin was on fire. Also, pains in various places around my body that just feel like a moving rug burn. Also, pain around the peripheral of my eyes everyday for about a year. Pain? Heck, yah!

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  • tommylee
    Originally posted by jk View Post
    Over the last 12 years it has gone from light numbness to burning to hard burning to a deep novacaine type numbness.Legs are leading the way for me.There also have been many unusual feelings along the way.The deep numbness I have recently gone to, my doctor said nothing works to knock down.Hope that helps.
    Very simmilar progression and time frame for me.
    I also feel alot of pressure all over. (like I am wearing a wet-suit that was made for a child.)

    The numbness never lets up. The pressure is lessened with the use of MJ. (dont know if that will help you?)

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  • Justsayyes
    For me the pain is primarily muscle spasms, which can often be a very tight muscle that won't relax enough. Feels like general muscle pain from injury, so not always easy to know if I did something, or is the spasticity just ramping up. Exercise often makes spasticity temporarily worse.

    I do get spasticity in my shoulder and ice often helps. One would think heat, but ice seems to work better for me. Some light stretching. Be sure your nutrition is good to recover from exercise.

    I can get an awful pain between my shoulder blades, stabbing is definitely how it feels, and it is spasticity.

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  • jk
    Over the last 12 years it has gone from light numbness to burning to hard burning to a deep novacaine type numbness.Legs are leading the way for me.There also have been many unusual feelings along the way.The deep numbness I have recently gone to, my doctor said nothing works to knock down.Hope that helps.

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  • hope32
    started a topic What kinds of pain does MS cause?

    What kinds of pain does MS cause?

    Sorry if that's a super general question but I'm in the middle of an exacerbation that's different from my previous ones (the previous ones were each one big debilitating symptom that lasted about 3 weeks and then cleared up; this one has been like 5 new symptoms popping up at different times. Two have eased off but 3 have stayed).

    I did a Zumba class on Saturday because my energy levels were better that morning and I think I overdid it; my muscle jerks and spasms have been worse since then and now I feel really weak, too. Today I have this random stabbing pain in my shoulder. Wondering if that's another new MS symptom (I've never had pain from MS before) or something else. Is there a way to know? My MS center had suggested if any more new symptoms popped up I might want to do steroids but I'm not sure if this is MS-related.