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Support Hose

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    Support Hose

    I've never actualy worn them, but my legs feel like that is what I am wearing. I get stiff, loose balance and next month it will be a year since this so called "flare", "exacerbation", "episode", and all those other words, has been going on. Man it is getting rough. I go to Duke Medical Center tomorrow to get my second opinion. Reading over Dr's notes it doesn't seem like it could be anything else, but MS. This has been a really rough several months because of this and other family/work problems. My contract may not be renewed this year and I really have no idea what I am going to do. No insurance? Would this mean no meds? Wow, it will be ok. As long as I let go and let God!
    I'm glad there are others here that know some of what I am going through.