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People with MS who are active.

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  • chilehile
    I was diagnosed in 2006 at the age of 32. I have completed 25 marathons. I believ I had MS for at least 14 of those races. I developed dropfoot in 2007 and I've run 8 marathons wearing an anklefoot orthotic on my right foot. This past October, my right thigh started getting weak and now running is very difficult and slow; however, I'm stubborn and determined. I will not stop.

    I have also done the MS 100 and 150 miles rides in San Diego, CA. I just moved to Seattle, WA last week and I'm looking for a group of sports-minded folks. I would like a group in Seattle, but a forum or online mechanim to contact other active MS patients would be wonderful.


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  • JadeVictoria
    I'm 43 and have been diagnosed almost a year. I do treadmill and elliptical on alternating days. I also do strength training and stretching. I am running my first post diagnosis 5k on the 4th of July though it will be a walk/run. My exercise time is one of the best parts of my day. Jade

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  • hunterd

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  • Kippy

    This is a great thread, and although I have trouble walking long distances, I am still very active.

    I live right outside of Boston, and watch the marathon every year since it goes through our town, so if you do run our "first in the nation" race next year, let me know! I'll be right there to cheer you on!

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  • justacowgirl
    Good idea to focus on the positive!! I think it helps to tell everyone what we CAN do!

    I run a farm and a dog boarding and grooming kennel. I work from 0730 till 0'dark 30 daily...I have slowed some because I am 53...but can still plant a 100X100 garden!! (Never met a bean I didn't love)

    I still ride my horse when time permits...and last week got to chase cows all over the countryside.

    I may have MS...but it doesn't have me.


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  • sportsfan
    I'm 53 years old and dxed 6 years ago. Not a runner I never have been but I walk at least 2 miles everyday and work up to 50 hours a week. I was very active when I was younger and I still am, now I just do things at a slower pace. And like ewizabeth said I feel fortunate to be so active and healthy and hope that I can continue do the things I enjoy for a long time to come. I have MS symptoms that come and go but the main thing for me is staying positive.

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  • fuzzywuzzy2
    Genie I think thats a great thing you do and inspirational.

    Im not there yet but I am trying to get more active. I am working 5 days a week so it's taking me a bit longer!

    The Boston marathon...thats a huge deal! I wish endless cyber support. A really good friend of mine ran it as did my my priary care physician!

    Who knows you may like it so much you may end like my friend. He has ran a marathon in 50 states! He just ran his last one in April.

    My uncle is 77 and still runs an occassional marathon.

    Anyway, you are an inspiration, I hope it rubs off on me.
    I walk(with cane) as much as I can, I do some stuff on Wii

    Thank you for sharing and being so positive!!

    GO GENIE, GO GENIE !!!!!

    If I can't be with you in person, I am there in spirit!!


    I was a once a cheerleader always a cheerleader!!!

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  • roo613
    If I can get my flares under control, I will go back to my normal activitiy.

    I am 33, and even after diagnosis this past January, I was still doing step aerobics, pilates, etc. 3 to 4 days a week at the Y. I am itching to get back to normal workouts!!!

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  • kelm10
    good idea

    I too am very active. I can not run, but I can walk some short distances.

    I do water aerobics 5-6 days per week and now that it is summer I spend some time on top of that in the pool with the boys.

    I do strength training 2 days a week and toning land class per week. I also do a water yoga class one day also.

    I do water aerobics to stay cool.

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  • tommylee
    I'm 45 and still very fit.
    Strength train.
    Sprints on my bike.
    Motocross on both bikes and atv's.

    Can't manage a run (that really bum's me out) but I can trot/jog for a short distance.

    I don't do any cardio or anything that will raise my body temp. If I do; I become much more disabled very quickly.(hense the strength training and bike sprints).

    As long as I don't get hot I am still pretty strong.
    Dx 12 years, on Avonex all 12.

    I have always pushed to be as active as possible.
    It has been very humbling not being able to perform at the same level, but it is nice to still be able to do some of my favorite things at any level and I am greatful!

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  • dutchtreat
    Hi Genie,
    what a good idea! Dont think running is in my future, but I know that I will be needing to something more physical. Congratulation on your running! I am Laura, 51 and grandma of 4 under 6. I am in Wisconsin, and grateful for the cooler temps here. Maybe this could be called the good news thread.

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  • ewizabeth

    I'm 52 years old and still active. I don't run but I do Pilates and elliptical workouts and boxing, etc...

    I can do most anything but I avoid heat and humidity because that slows me down.

    I'm very fit for my age group but I was into gymnastics in my early teens and I've always been athletic.

    I feel fortunate to still be so active and healthy.

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  • GenieFL
    started a topic People with MS who are active.

    People with MS who are active.

    Hi everyone!

    I'm looking for people with MS who are still active and want to share that with others who are active on the forums. I'm still active and run every other day. I'd run every day if I wasn't doing weights and strength training on the off days. I'm training to do the Boston Marathon in April 2011 for MS.

    I don't want to offend anyone, that is not my goal, but I thought a thread talking about active people with MS would not only help those of us who are active find support, but encourage those newly diagnosed that MS is not a end all.

    I find that sometimes people focus on the negative and not the positive. I think we should all encourage each other to be active.

    So, who else out there is active and wants to start talking about it?

    I'm Genie 32 years old and a recent runner. I had just started running regularly before my flare in June which was what lead to my MS diagnosis. I just started again in January hard core finishing the c25k program and now just training and running. I live in Florida (ugh) and it's hot here lol.

    Anyone else?
