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    Ok so I'm finally giving this some consideration.

    I'm confused as to how we know which type and how much to use as a regular supplement? Are those new yogurts really worth trying?

    I'm a bit uncomfortable loading up on a ton of stuff without FDA approval or some guidance because I'd hate to do more harm than good.
    He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.

    Yeah the new yogurts are a good place to start then just get some acidopholis (sp) or some probiotics from your health food store. I use them and they help to keep everything moving.
    You only live NOW.
    SX 1999 /DX 2003


      Philips Colon health

      I use Philips Colon Health once a day along with a tablespoon of Metamucil regular texture. This combo seems to work well for me.


        I take acidopholis (sp?) pills daily because I also have to take a low does antibiotic for chronic UTI's. This helps to prevent yeast infection, well in female anyway I am not sure about men. It is fairly rare for men to get yeast infections.

        You can also get acidopholis from yogurt but it is cheaper to take the pill than for me to by 30 yogurts a month.
        "Therefore we do not give up, but even if the man we are outside is wasting away, certainly the man we are inside is being renewed from day to day." 2 Cor. 4:16


          Thank you all for replying.
          He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.


            I also take probiotics and they were recommended by my GI after a terrible stomach virus that hospitalized me for 5 days. He said it would help me keep my GI tract a lot happier.

            I have acid reflux and the one I take goes well with the meds he gives me.

            I take Pearls. I also eat yogurt generally every day. It's a nice dessert! Even the plain vanilla kind.



              healthy bacteria

              Hi, Just a thought..... If you really want the Lactobacillis Acidopholis.... taking it in a supplemental dosage may be a much higher form than the amount in a small container of might need to consume a gallon of yogurt to get the same amount as a small capsule of lactobacillis acidopholis. The other item to consider with yogurt is that plain unflavored yogurt may be the best source, flavored yogurts may be more appealling to your taste buds, however, the sugars or artificial sweeteners are a much bigger price to pay if you are concerned of your overall health.

              Everyone is different.... "You Decide"


                dj makes a good point. Probably not enough "active" cultures in yogurt and the amount of sugar in the highly marketed Jamie Curtis yogurts would continue to feed the bad bacteria in the intestinal tract.
                Supplemental form is a "correcting" way to go, i.e., after antibiotics, IV steroid Txs--which will create fungal overgrowth) and then routinely consuming quality, very low sugar yogurts and kefirs as a maintanence program of keeping the bowel populated with the "good" guys.
                Eat better, feel better and be richer for it.

