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    I was diagnosed in 2006. My first episode probably 1983 03 1984- double vision.
    Old plaques in brain on MRI seems to have confirmed this.
    Active sclerosis now in spinal cord and have remained steady, not growing.
    Now 61, noticed deteriorating legs since age of 45.
    Diagnosed as secondary progressive.

    On Betaseron from 06 until a few months ago, didn't see the sense.
    Doctor wanted to move me onto a once per month infusion that has small chance of fatal brain infection and declined.
    Asked her about that and betaseron, since they are for recurring/remitting- why? aren't they just a shot in the dark? yes, shot in the dark. I'm done with treatents that don't apply.
    Currently, still work full time. Run a business with my wife, but now we're seperated because of an "emotional affair" that I had and except for my 20 year old son (also have a 24 year old daughter), I am basically shnned and personna non grata.

    Working with my wife can be misery and wouldn't stay except 80 or so employees depend on me/us.
    It's been a crappy 2 or so years.
    I also had the pleasure of about 2 years of insomnia prior to diagnoses as I had developed twitching in my legs, which I'm assuming was a furhther onset of the MS.
    I have suport from my brother- 3000 miles away and some friends, but my wife and my lives very interconnected, so it's hard to go to certain long time friends and associates.
    Other than all of that, life is grand.
    I do have a Thanksgiving invitation, which I know may be withdrawn at any time, but I'll keep a good thought. I wasn't worthy of that last year.
    all for mow

    ** Moderator's note - Post broken into paragraphs for easier reading. Many people with MS have visual difficulties that prevent them from reading large blocks of print. **

    Oh Steakbaron, I'm so sorry to hear about all this. S'funny how fast folks disappear when your sick. Heaven forbid you should get emotional about it!

    I'm newly diagnosed (though apparently have had it for years) and can relate to much of of what you said. Insomnia, my old and hated nemesis! People wonder how you can be so cranky, but how can you not when you're running on little or no sleep all the time?

    I am glad you've found this forum. Having just googled for online sites myself when I got the diagnosis a month ago, I was happily surprised to find this place. Wish I could find a magic pill for all of us!

    Please try to take care of yourself. Best wishes.

