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Neuro thinks I have Rheumatoid!

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    Neuro thinks I have Rheumatoid!

    I have MS and started having wrist and joint pain, now knees and toes joints hurt. I am miserable and in SO much pain. How can I possibly have 2 things wrong? MD wants me on steroids, but then will not be able to take Tysrabi. I am totally scared because I am caring for elderly parent and no family.
    I have not rec'd the lab results yet, but infusion RN says it is not uncommon.

    Any thoughts?

    If you have any questions about RA, I can help. I had it for 15 years. I have 2 new knees...some new finger joints and have had just about every RA symptom AND medication there is.

    While I do not have MS, I know a few RA medications list MS as a side effect. I am not convinced that it is a side effect but incidental comorbidity. So in otherwords...sometimes some people hit the unfortunate jackpot.
    DH - RRMS (DX 9/10/10), GERD, Asthma
    Me - RA, Sjogren's, Joint replacement queen
    DS - T1 Diabetes, Seizures, Asthma



      My neuro is testing me for RA as well. He said the pain I feel in my joints is not likely MS. I assumed it was a side-effect of the DMD. My doctor said if you have one auto-immune disorder you are (but you're not) more likely to have another auto-immune (make sense?).
      ~Piper - DX'd 2/2010 - Mama, Wife, Working gal


        Now I am on Steroids

        And the swelling is going down, I am seeing some hard lumps. Is this common with RA?


          Diagnosed with MS about 3 years ago after many years of symptoms and dismissing them as 'this and that', I finally have come to terms with living with MS, reading my body much better, reducing stress, and being more proactive.

          I was just recently hit with a new diagnosis - as having PMR.

          About five months ago I awoke with sudden bilateral pain in my neck, shoulders, hands, hips and feet. The pain was nonstopping. I couldn't turn the key ignition but with two hands and that hurt, couldn't turn my head and had to elbow walk - my hands were useless. I didn't think it was MS as it was so bilateral. After working with my neurologist and my intern for pain relief (and there was none) I was sent to a rheumatologist. She immediately suspected PMR (Polymaliagia Rheumatica) and my sed rate of 100 (should be no higher than 30) attested to the diagnosis. Immediately I was put on Prednisone and the pain went away. During this time many of my MS symptoms disappeared too. Over these past five months I have been able to lower my pred. dosage but it is now at a level where the MS signs are reappearing: tingles, numbness and the dredded dizziness/vertigo. Apparently, I have to stay on Pred. for one or two years.

          Just another auto immune hurdle but time to 'get on the track and practice my hurdle jumping' with this new diagnosis.


            Thanks All!!!

            That is just how it feels, DDD. It started in my wrist and fingers, then my shoulders, hips and feet. I guess I will find out, since the Lyrica and Cymbalta did not phase it. Geez, no hurdle jumping for me. But I just have to accept whatever comes, as per usual.

            Thanks Again!


              Originally posted by Shandi View Post
              I know a few RA medications list MS as a side effect. I am not convinced that it is a side effect but incidental comorbidity.
              While RA and MS can exist as comorbidities, some of the anti-TNF RA meds have been found to cause demyelination that resembles MS in patients with no previous neurological signs or symptoms. This has been attributed to being a medication side effect and not a coincidental onset of MS in an RA patient. There is enough evidence of this that the official labeling information of these meds now includes demyelination/MS as a side effect.

              The bad news is that these meds, while effective in treating RA, are contraindicated in any patient with MS or a demyelinating disease. As a result, patients with RA have fewer meds to choose from.

              My doc, who manages the chronic recurrent inflammatory optic neuritis associated with my neuromyelitis optica, was considering putting me on Remicade to control inflammation. He has had some success in using it with his uveitis patients. But we can't do that with me because the med can cause the very problems we're trying to prevent.

              If the FDA has enough evidence of demyelination as a side effect of these meds to require that it be listed in the official prescribing information, and if the Academy of Rheumatology says the same thing, it's wise to believe it.


                This was very interesting.....

                DDD said,"I was just recently hit with a new diagnosis - as having PMR"

                Never heard of that one.

                I recently had a sudden onset of pain and stiffness in my shoulders and then constant pain in my upper arms. I have this pain and throb in my wrists and hands and if I use my left hand, the pain intensifies afterwards significantly and becomes extremely weak.

                It seems to be traveling to my hips and thighs,though not as intense and occasionally I fell it in my ankles. This scares me because if my legs do what my arms are doing, I won't be able to walk!

                If its inflammation then I will crack open the Ibuprofen, my only option!

                The pain in my upper arms and shoulders keeps me awake at night. It does not stop, along with an "MS Hug".

                Thank you for this post, I looked it up, there is a lot of info about it.

