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    For about 3 weeks I have felt a new extreme shocking and pain in my left foot. Worse then I have ever felt and it's always worse in the morning and is constant. I can't get to a neuro (long story) but do you think this needs solumedrol? Is this a sign of paralysis? Maybe it is just normal (well for ms) and I'm making a big deal out of it. I would appreciate any help. Thanks

    I also have horrible lower back pain like by the end of my spine not sure if means anything.


      Hi Sunshine,

      Sorry to hear about your pain. I'm not familiar with your foot pain. It doesn't sound like the Lhermitte’s sign, which is a brief, stabbing, electric-shock-like sensation that runs from the back of the head down the spine, brought on by bending the neck forward.

      I do have experience with pain at the base of my spine, though. For me, it was from spasticity, poor balance, and a poor gait pattern.

      "Back and other musculoskeletal pain in MS can have many causes, including spasticity. Pressure on the body caused by immobility, incorrect use of mobility aids, or the struggle to compensate for gait and balance problems may all contribute. An evaluation to pinpoint the source of the pain is essential. Treatments may include heat, massage, ultrasound, physical therapy and treatment for spasticity."

      You can read more about pain and what can be done to treat it here: I hope you find something to relieve yours.

      Good luck. ,

      “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” ― Max Planck


        Hello sunshine7502,

        If you are unable to see a Neurologist I would suggest seeing your Primary Care Physician. What you are experiencing could be the MS but it could be due to something else. It's easy when having MS to assume what is experienced is due to MS but sometimes there is another cause. Not everything is MS related
        Diagnosed 1984
        “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic

