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Bad dreams of health

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    Bad dreams of health

    Only recent thing. Probably full of competing drugs. I have terrible dreams about being heathy and happy, then the hammer falls, it becomes a nightmare, doctors, diagnosis etc, and I wake up a sweaty mess.

    Sometimes I'm running, sometimes I'm being chased. Sometimes I wake up, lie there for a a moment and think, well thank The Lord, it was just a nightmare, then I move, and find oops no, not a dream.

    That really stinks.

    Sleep is suppose to be sacred. A restful time for our bodies to 'recover'.
    Not a time spent running around being chased.You have already been thru the dr.s, testing garbage. I am sure you don't need to go thru that again!

    I hope that you will soon get out of this habit you have acquired. It sounds exhausting.


      Dreams of good health and Ex-husband - Hmmm

      I can relate. I have had many dreams lately. I dream of walking around and working as usual and being in great health at my son's college graduaton at the end of March. I wake up and expect to just walk out of bed but cannot.

      The really odd dreams are about being together with my ex-husband after many years of having been divorced. Maybe because we have been communicating at least weekly about my son's graduation and his plans to go for his masters degree.

      They have not turned into nightmares yet. I wish that none of your bad dreams become reality, keeping in mind that ms is a nightmare.


        I dreamt I woke up last week and realized my hand was numb and tried to shake it off, it continued to creep up my arm and then started in my other arm, I started to run and fell on the floor, and my abdomen started to decay into a greasy pile of dust. When I actually woke up I kept making a fist and pressing down on my sheets assuring myself that everything was OK.

