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Going to the beach

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    Going to the beach

    I live near the beach. I haven't been able to walk on the beach with my walker or cane. As soon as I hit sand the walker gets stuck or my cane sinks into the sand. Anybody got any ideas on dealing sand. All of Florida is sand. I am always running into sand issues. Is there something out there help me.

    ~Kim in NV~ Dx RRMS on the Spring Equinox 2008 , at age 44. *Aubagio* That which does not kill us only makes us stronger


      I was thinking of something simple that won't cost a boat load cash, which I don't have.


        Walking on soft sand is so much more difficult than walking on firm ground. In the early days I had difficulty walking on sand before I had problems walking anywhere else, and that was before I needed a cane.

        I really miss walking on the beach, but it's impossible.


          There must be away. Maybe put some kind of ski's on the walker.


            Segways, with off-road tires, and a seat, are ideal for the beach.

            Expensive, true, but they are sold used all the time on eBay and since you live near the beach maybe it's worth looking into.


              Using a Tripod tip on the cane might work for sand. Not deep though, that is for looking at, not walking on.
              Scuba, true meaning of Life! USS Wilkes Barre 91, USS Monitor 96, 97, 99 .. Andrea Doria 96, 98 .. San Francisco Maru 09


                If you are able to use a walker, you can probably use forearm crutches. They will work okay in sand--I've done it often, and you can find inexpensive pairs for under $50.

                That said, I'm currently testing a pair of forearm crutches from SideStix that features a "sandshoe" attachment (think snowshoe, only smaller) that help prevent your sticks from sinking and provide excellent traction. Perfect for the beach. They are pricey, but your insurance company may purchase them for you.

                Look for a detailed review on soon. Hope this helps, cloudedmoon.

                Dave Bexfield,


                  I just posted the forearm crutch review / buyer's guide here for those interested.





                    I also love going to the beach. Many of the public beaches in NJ now have beach wheelchairs that you can borrow. These wheelchairs are made of PVC piping, with large, hard wheels, that do not get stuck in the sand. They are waterproof, too. However, you have to have someone push you in one.

                    If you are handy with tools, you can make one yourself.

                    When using a cane at the beach, I use a cheap, metal one from Rubbermade.


                      didn't know rubbermaid makes canes! cool! what will they do next.

                      last week was visiting DD in Pensacola. had to go to beach, i love walking in the sand and sticking my feet in the water. sorry, i can't add to all the good advice you've gotten so far.
                      maybe petition the beaches to follow jersey's example of loaning beach w/cs?

                      i did learn that when walking with a cane and picking up seashells, that falling on soft white sand has been the less painful fall i've had in months!
                      tho my DH was knocking A LOT of sand off my shorts before he'd let me get in our new SUV!

                      praying that you find something that works. it would be a shame to live in fla and not get to enjoy the beach. plus dealing with the sand everywhere. my dd's 1st place there, her backyard was just sand! really easy up keep

                      take care & God bless ya!
                      "All things are possible for those who believe." Jesus


                        I already had poles I used for hiking, so when I started having trouble walking, I just used one of those instead of a cane. They have 3 or more tip options: a sharp point for hiking on dirt, a rubber tip that fits over the point for walking on rock (or sidewalks), and various "baskets" that can be used on soft surfaces like sand or snow. The two brands I've used are Leki and Komperdell. Both are collapsible and adjust to any height you need. I have my standard height for regular walking, but can shorten or lengthen it if I'm going up or down a hill. Some people use two.
                        I checked it out with a physical therapist and she was fine with it.


                          Thomas Fetterman is making sand tips for crutches (forearm) and they might work on walkers. Before this invention we had a creative solution of our own:

                          use a lid from Pringles can to trace a circle on plexiglass or some other stiff plastic. Cut out the circles, sand edges and gorilla glue to an old/worn set of tips. Voila- instant sand/snow tips.
                          Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult...


                            there used to be a product called frog feet available, they were a different type of ferulle or tip for the ends of forarm crutches and canes- they gave a bigger foot print to help with stability on normal surfaces but may act as a snow shoe on loose sand- they were from new zealand and were not expensive but i have not seen them for a while

                            also here in australia many surf clubs have those beach chairs for loan or hire- something that is worth checking out in florida too, they are far too expense for most to consider for the occasional day at the beach and you still need someone to help push, they are not a user propelled chair generally

                            i understand your frustration as i too live in a beach city here in australia and miss my evening walks on the beach! if i tried now my electric chair would be bogged immediately


                              sometimes the lifeguards loan beach chairs

                              California has programs at the local lifeguards in which you can borrow beach wheelchairs. idk if they have the same in Fla, but all u need is an ID and they loan the beach wheelchair to you so you can enjoy the weather even if you can't walk.

