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Does Anyone Know How Much this Drug Costs?

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    There had been talk in Congress of passing legislation that limits the ability of insurers to have very high percentage co-pays, instead of a flat rate such as $10 or $20 or even $100 per month. I think it did not go anywhere last year, and certainly is unlikely to be brought up again in an election year.

    However, in the long run legislation is the best way to go, as insurers are likely to use this tactic of high co-pays more and more in the future. Already nearly 20% of employers have these plans, and more and more patients will be shut off from necessary treatment if out-of-pocket costs are going to be thousands of dollars per year.

    Meanwhile those of us with these high co-pays are just out of luck unless we happen to be very wealthy. I am not, so I had to quit taking Copaxone, but I had pretty much decided it wasn't worth it to me anyway, being older and with few relapses. But what about someone new to RRMS with frequent relapses who has a real chance of lessening progression with a DMD?


      You need to call novatis again about the co-pay, they had a program where max copat was 20 per month gor gilenya
      Plan for the future, but not too hard; it’s not your decision anyway


        Gilenya's copay assist program was renewed for this year. The story depends on your insurance, but generally they'll pay up to $800 of your copay per month. (I know there's a maximum per year, but I've forgotten it.)

        My copay under my insurance is 25% of the cost capped at $2,500 a year.

        With the co-pay assist, I am paying a whopping total of $100 for my Gilenya this year! So happy!


          I get my Gilenya from Caremark specialty pharmacy, and they told me the cost billed to my insurance was $3800/month. My co-pay is $125/month, but I signed up for the Gilenya Go program (I think that's what it is called) and they pay 100% of my co-pay.



            I checked at They list their charge for a one pack price at $4,099 including an18% savings--that means the real price is $5,012.91.


              Hi GuyInPA,

              If Gilenya is costing more for you and increasing your out of pocket expenses then try going for generics. This will surely reduce your costs. Try to get information on how much it costs at some online pharmacies. Try if you can get it International Drug Mart.

